Saturday, July 21, 2007 Finally Updated and Up to Full Website Power!

Visit my web page, which my husband has kindly programmed simply and elegantly. I really appreciate it Jon! You are very good! I have paintings, CV, and a statement all coherently in one place. I will update this periodically with more work, as this will be my professional site. As you may or may not have already guessed, this is my messy thinking space here at chez FACOE. Love or hate my sloppy, solipsistic, and neurotic ramblings, at least I show up every now and then! Till sometime soon!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Painting in the Forest!!!

Yvonne, Clare, and I went to the woods in Waltham and painted. It was wonderful! There was a felled tree, pine needles everywhere, a whole bunch of people walking dogs, and a big PILE of tree limbs. I was enamored of the pile of tree limbs with stumps arrayed around it. I felt it implied narrative. I have been looking for a way to lay my characters and objects in a scene, this may be it. Plein air paintings as studies for far stranger compositions in studio? We will see. I will keep posting some of these breaks from the routine. Interestingly enough, my limited palette persists in odd form out of doors!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cat Scans

I hope that sometimes my literalness is funny and not just grotesque or insipid. I strive to be humbly advancing guilt and fault with humor and repetition. Corporeality is but an offshoot of cartoon to me.
Also, I have very patient cats.